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Our Founder, Victoria Abbott-Fleming has been incredibly honoured to receive the Points of Light award from the Prime Minister’s Office in February 2020. Victoria was awarded the Points of Light for the work she does in not only setting up but also running a successful charity, Burning Nights CRPS Support.
The charity works to raise awareness and improve life for anyone affected by the debilitating chronic condition, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
As someone who lives with CRPS and who has lost both legs above the knee to the condition, life can be a lonely, isolating and a very difficult place to be. Burning Nights CRPS Support aims to help reduce the loneliness and the isolation as well as providing good quality information about the condition and living with it and support for patients, loved ones, family members and carers.
In a letter to Victoria from Prime Minister Johnson he said:
“I know you do this with no thought of praise or reward, but allow me to offer my own recognition of how through ‘Burning Nights CRPS Support’ you are providing crucial support to patients affected by CRPS and their families, and raising much needed awareness about the condition amongst health professionals.”
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Learn more about the award via the link below